Friday, November 22, 2013

My Top 10!!!!

It’s hard to believe that I have been writing on this blog for FOUR YEARS!!!!  Wow!  It all started following a really bad flare-up from my autoimmune disease.  I determined to not allow any of my down time sick to end up wasted.  I wanted to give it to God.  This blog is my attempt to redeem it all for Him.  Check out my very first post below.  It still rings true in my heart…

Legacy… leaving the gift of yourself, your life in a nutshell with all of it’s wisdom from the past, purpose for the present, and dreams of greatness for the future to the next generation. It’s planting a piece of yourself into others… it’s leaving a trail of a life well-lived behind to lead others to a better future. It’s being purposeful about what you say and what you do in order to make an investment into the hearts of others.

I see it like this… our hearts are gardens and God is the great gardener. He knows what we need to grow. We need to make sure that the soil in our hearts is soft, watered, and ready for the seeds God wants to plant inside of us. The minute the soil of our hearts becomes hard, we will no longer be able to receive fresh seed from God to grow. We must always remain teachable, open, and ready to learn and grow from God and others. My philosophy is that there is always someone ahead to learn from and behind to teach. Take the seeds God has planted inside of you and scatter them around to the gardens of people’s hearts around you. Spread God’s love, spread his patience and understanding. Water their hearts with His word. Listen, Love, and Live out what you believe and others will see the difference and be drawn to you.

Everything you do has an impact on others. This is my attempt to pour the wisdom God has given me into the next generation. May these principles of truth bless you as you endeavour to be all God has called you to be.

“The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. What preparations should we be making now? The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time God has given us each day.”  Billy Graham

Choose today with your actions and your words to leave a legacy behind that will last a lifetime!
Living to leave a legacy!

I surveyed the last four years and found the “Top 10” Blog Posts based on the stats.  You can check them out below.  Be sure to click the link underneath the title to read more.  I hope you are encouraged as you read.  Enjoy!  Which one is your top pick?  

(I am listing them in order of highest number of views to lowest)

#1 God’s Waiting Room (Part One)….. 1/5/2011

#2 God’s Waiting Room (Part Two)…. 1/9/2011

#3 Is God blessing me or punishing me? ...... 12/6/2011

#4 Move! …. 6/22/2013

#5Surviving Life’s Mud Puddles” ….2/2/2012

#6 Can I have a band-aid… Life hurts?”……. 10/11/2010

#7 Life, Lemonade, and Burnt Biscuits …. 7/31/2010

#8 Me… It may not be pretty! …. 11/25/2012

#9 simply me…   11/13/2013

#10 God knows your address …. 8/22/2010

Thank you for joining me on this journey!  This has been a growing process for me.  I am excited to see what God may have in store for the future.  I am taking “faith baby steps” all the way!

Living to leave a legacy,

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