Saturday, February 1, 2025

Today is a MILESTONE for me!

Young Adult Night of Mystery
Guess what?  Today is a milestone for me!  Today marks 120 days and 4 months, since God healed me!!  I still can’t believe it!  He totally surprised me.  If you are confused and wonder what in the world I’m talking about, be sure to check out my previous blog post HERE for more details.  It’s been 19 years (and 18+ medications that I managed) with Myasthenia Gravis and it’s all GONE!  

Recently my pastor shared a Bible passage at church that really connected with me.  It’s found in John 9:1-41.  This passage talks about a man that was born blind and how the people were impacted around him when Jesus healed him.

8 His neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar asked each other, “Isn’t this the man who used to sit and beg?” 9 Some said he was, and others said, “No, he just looks like him!”  But the beggar kept saying, “Yes, I am the same one!” (John 9:8-9, NLT)

Isn’t this the one “who used to…?”  Can you say that about YOUR life?  Have you changed in any way over the years, where others can notice the difference?  It could be little changes like… the one “who used to” be shorter or the one “who used to be” shy.  Maybe you’ve had bigger things occur that have changed you that are more noticeable to others.  Are you the one “who used to” smoke and you stopped… or the one “who used to” drink, but you don’t any more?  Could you be the one “who used to” be lost without Jesus and everything changed when He entered your life?   That’s me and I hope it’s you too!

Things changed little by little for the better, when Jesus entered my life as a teenager.   As I have pursued having more of Him in my life over the years, it has changed me even more!  Stepping aside and inviting Him to write my story, has brought such joy, purpose, and fulfillment that I never dreamed possible.  Now today, I can say along with this man (in the passage we just read), that I’m the woman “who used to” have an autoimmune disease, but I don’t anymore!  Thank you Jesus!

In the passage it shares how Jesus healed the man born blind, but it wasn’t in the right way or on the right day for the religious leaders of the time.  As a result, they begin picking apart the miracle.  I think our natural tendency is to be skeptical, when we don’t understand.  Miracles are something we hope for, but don’t really expect to happen.  WHEN they happen, it’s hard for us to believe them.  Look at what the now HEALED man says to the religious leaders that are dissecting his unexplainable miracle and the Healer.  He simply says…

25 “I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!” (John 9:25, NLT)

I love that!  I don’t know or care to pick this thing apart… all I know is that I am healed!!!  I’m sure all he wanted to do was to celebrate this monumental blessing in his life and tell everyone he knew what happened!  I guess some people have to experience it first hand to truly believe it!

Some Struggle to Believe

I know there are some people out there still shaking their heads wondering what on earth has happened to me.  Some might even be “religious people” like those of the Bible times.  It is unexplainable!  All that I know is that I “used to have” an autoimmune disease and now it is gone!  There is no specific, set blueprint for healing.  You can’t follow my pattern and have things happen the same way.  There is one thing I know you can do, that will lead you to the place where it could happen… get yourself closer to Jesus.  Open your Bible, go to church, surrender your all to Him, and seek Him with all of your heart.  That path leads to amazing experiences with God and maybe just maybe, it could lead to your healing!

For those who struggle to believe it, let me help you out…

God has confirmed this miracle in several verifiable ways to me:

  1. I have NOT had any flare up, Myasthenic crisis, or exacerbation at all since stopping my medication (that I have taken for the past 19 years).  It’s been 4 months!!!  Normally I would have had to go to the hospital (for infusions of some sort) to get my body back to normal with any drastic medicine change, but not this time.

  1. My Neurologist verified I am better.  He can’t say “healed”.  The closest medical term for that is “in remission.”  He checked me over and saw significant strength in every area of my body.  He couldn’t stop saying “Wow!”

Some people like to write this off and say… “I’m glad you are in REMISSION.”  They don’t want to acknowledge the healing part.  This can be explained and healing (& miracles) cannot.  Let me clarify this for you.  Remission is when you are gradually getting better (day by day), medicine is lowered, and at times it’s completely removed for a season.  I have been in remission before and know what that is like, but this is not it!

Before the day I was healed, I had experienced a whole month of sickness.  I was run down, tired, and had no idea that my iron levels were low.  As a result, it required 4 days of iron infusions equaling 15 + hours.  Not to mention the day before I was healed I went to the doctor for tummy issues.  I won’t go into all the details, but when I left the doctor’s office, he said that he had suspicions that it could be DIVERTICULITIS.  I was so upset about this!  I spent 49 days in and out of the hospital for that two years ago.  I was over it!

I went into the service on the Friday night that God healed me, feeling very defeated and frustrated.  I was weary, tired, and overwhelmed.  I thought about how much time in my life has been wasted being sick.  I was broken.  In that broken place is where He met me.

  1. This week I took a cautionary medication for Myasthenia Gravis (pretty much a black box warning item) and I’m still alive!

The FDA issues black box warnings for drugs that may cause serious or life threatening side effects. This medication is on my list of do NOT take antibiotics.  It can cause a Myasthenic crisis or exacerbation that would require immediate hospitalization.  I know God healed me from having Myasthenia Gravis, however I have struggled with other issues since being healed… colds, sinus infection, etc…  

I’m currently recovering from my 3rd sinus infection.  I went to my family doctor last week to see what he could do to help.  I feel like God uses these moments for me, to be able to share my story with the doctors and the nurses I encounter.  If you’ve ever been to a doctor’s office, they always ask if your medicine has changed, so they can update things.  EVERY TIME I go to an appointment, I end up sharing my story with at least 3 people.  My recent doctor visit was the same way.  

Since I was healed, I told him I was open to taking any antibiotic on my former allergy list that he recommended.  God healed me, so this was a non-issue for me.  No disease, so there should be no issue with allergies, right?  That’s what I thought, but my family felt differently.  They didn’t like me taking risks like this.

My doctor decided to pick one of the top tier antibiotics on my list, that can cause SERIOUS side effects if you have Myasthenia Gravis.  On Wednesday (1-29-25), I took 3 pills (as prescribed), and have taken them on schedule since, with no side effects.  Guess what?  I’m still alive to tell you about it and not only that… I’m actually starting to feel better!  Yay God!

Are you having trouble believing my miracle and that of others?  I challenge you to take a step of faith to try to believe the unbelievable and God may do something amazing for you too!  As I have stated before, I encourage you to reconsider Jesus and where you have placed Jesus in your life.  He has done amazing things in my life and wants to do awesome things in your life too!  I’m always available if you want to chat about my story or yours.  

Love & Prayers,

P.S.  For those wondering… I am still working on my book.  I will keep you posted when it gets closer to completion.  The title will be… “Where Messy Faith Meets a Mighty God.”  Be watching for updates coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. This is incredible! What a blessing!!! 🙌
